Technical Principle and Common Features

Technical Principle and Common Features

Technical principle

Hair is divided into three periods: growth phase (2-6 years), regression phase (2-3 weeks), and resting phase (2-3 months). When the hair is in the growth phase, the hair follicles are more active, and they begin to shrink in the regression phase, so hair removal is mainly for the hair in the growth phase. Since all hair cannot always be in the same period, multiple treatments are required.
You can solve the hair problem by adjusting the pulse width and energy of the laser. The laser penetrates the skin directly to the hair follicles, destroys the hair follicles by high temperature, and makes the hair lose its regeneration ability, but does not damage the surrounding tissues.
After the customer receives treatment, the hair grows less and less, the growth rate becomes slower and slower, and the hair becomes thinner and thinner, and the hair color becomes lighter and lighter. After 6 months, the hair growth is stable, and it no longer grows at 9 and 12 months. 90% of patients get permanent hair removal, and the regenerated hair becomes thinner in diameter, lighter in color, and natural.

Common Features


1More focused on product quality and customer service.

2More professional in the selection of device accessories and the application of Diode Laser.

3More creative in the research and development of laser hair removal.




Effect comparison